Maurizio Mochetti

Lo Spazio, il Vuoto, l’Orizzonte

(The Space, the Void, the Horizon)

curated by Antonio Frugis and Marco Tonelli




Saturday 10th June 2023, h. 6:00 pm

With Lo Spazio, il Vuoto, l’Orizzonte (The Space, the Void, the Horizon) – a solo exhibition by Maurizio Mochetti, curated by Antonio Frugis and Marco Tonelli – a new format of the Pino Pascali Foundation is inaugurated, Confluenze, a program of exhibitions dedicated to artists who, during the Their careers have crossed the life, history and work of Pino Pascali, triggering relationships and extraordinary conjunctures.

The exhibition traces the fundamental stages of the career of the Roman artist, a leading exponent of the international neo-avantgarde between the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the third millennium, from his debut on the Roman art scene in 1968 with his first solo exhibition at the Galleria La Salita, up to the most recent years and experiments, passing through the victory in 1969 of the first Pascali Prize, the Painting Prize at the VI Young Paris Biennale of the same year, as well as for participations – from 1970 to 1997 – at the Biennial of Venice.

Through eight environmental installations conceived and created between 1974 and 2023, which trace Mochetti’s research path, the exhibition highlights the artist’s analysis of some themes related to space, in relation to the concepts of “void” and “horizon”, developing a peculiar new and innovative attitude: “Mochetti’s work has never been easily understood by everyone, despite being very simple in its planning and implementation.” (Marco Tonelli).

The event – as well as in the venue of the Foundation, will present a work in Exchiesetta, formerly Galleria Pino Pascali, an iconic space in the historic center of Polignano a Mare which hosted the very first edition of the Pino Pascali Prize in 1969 won by Mochetti.

Maurizio Mochetti (Rome, June 9, 1940) graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in 1963; from the beginning, he focuses his research on the potential of light as a material, crossing art and technology. In 1968 he made his debut with a personal exhibition at the Roman gallery La Salita, which was followed by participation in the group show Cento opere di arte italiana dal Futurismo ad Oggi, at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome. In 1969 he won the “Painting Prize” at the VI Biennial of Paris and the first edition of the Pino Pascali Prize. In 1970 he took part in the Venice Biennale (where he was also present in 1978, 1982, 1986, 1988 and 1997); in the same year he was at the Expo Museum of Fine Arts in Osaka, in the section Sei italiani dal Futurismo ad oggi.

An established artist on the international scene, Mochetti takes part important exhibitions, including the X Quadrennial of Rome in 1973 and the Sydney Biennale in 1976. Between 1994 and 1995 he arrives in New York, where he takes part in The Italian Metamorphosis 1943-1968, curated by Germano Celant at the Guggenheim Museum, whose collect a lot of works by the artist. In 2002 he took part in Arte in memoria, an exhibition in the excavations of Ostia Antica; in 2006 he was instead present at the VI Shanghai Biennale, in the exhibition Italy made in arte: now, and in 2007 he collaborated with Michelangelo Pistoletto and Charles Sandison at MAXXI INSTALLAZIONI. In 2010 he won the international competition “MAXXI 2per100” with the work Rette di luce nell’iperspazio curvilineo, permanently installed in the museum. In 2013 he won the “Presidential Award”. Recent exhibitions include: L’Uccello Azzurro, at Palazzo Collicola in Spoleto (2009), curated by Giovanni Carandente and Marco Tonelli; Maurizio Mochetti, at the Akira Ikeda Gallery in Berlin and Tokyo, (2015-2016); Maurizio Mochetti. Scatola del tempo, at the Enrico Astuni Gallery (2022).

Maurizio Mochetti, 1988, “Palle” – Foto Giorgio Benni Courtesy MACRO e Maurizio Mochetti – Museo d Arte Contemporanea, Roma


(The Space, the Void, The Horizon)

curated by
Antonio Frugis e Marco Tonelli

Vernissage: 10 giugno 2023, ore 18

Open to the public:
10 giugno – 24 settembre 2023

from wednesday to sunday 10/13 – 16/20

Fondazione Pino Pascali, Via Parco del Lauro 119

Exchiesetta, Via Porto, centro storico

080 424 9534