

By |2020-12-21T17:08:42+01:00December 21st, 2020|Eventi, Events|

From 14thto 17thDecember the Pino Pascali Foundation hosted an online residence for the creation museum merchandising products within the project “Monet – culture in motion in Adriatic NETwork of Museum” financed by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy- Albania- Montenegro 2014/2020 Programme. The European project was created with the principle aim of creating a web [...]


By |2018-12-15T15:26:35+01:00December 15th, 2018|Eventi, Events|

The second meeting of the transnational cooperation project “Craft Lab – Residences on the way from products to the Adri – Jonian design“ will take place in Bari at Fiera del Levante on December, 18th 2018, from 9.30 am to 5pm. The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss with partners the progress of [...]

Foundation Museum Pino Pascali: second meeting of the Project MONET

By |2018-11-01T12:08:55+01:00October 22nd, 2018|Eventi, Events|

MONET - Culture in Motion in Adriatic Networks of Museums Press Release- Second Project Meeting 23-24 October 2018 Press Conference: October 24th, 11 am, Foundation Museum Pino Pascali Polignano a Mare, Italy   The second meeting of the project MONET - Culture in Motion in Adriatic Networks of Museums will be organized on 23rd and [...]

Mostra Tattile Sensoriale con l’uso della tecnologia

By |2018-11-01T12:07:43+01:00April 23rd, 2016|Eventi, Events|

13 maggio ore 19:00 Inaugurazione Museo Pino Pascali via Parco del Lauro 119 Polignano a Mare Dal 13 al 29 maggio si terrà la mostra itinerante sensoriale più inclusive che mai di Informatici senza frontiere onlus. Sensoltre è un percorso tattile al buio, nata a Bari nel 2013 con ad oggi oltre 2.500 visitatori in [...]

CONVIVIUM – L’Arte come terreno fertile del dialogo e della convivenza religiosa

By |2016-04-23T01:13:30+02:00March 23rd, 2016|Events|

FONDAZIONE PINO PASCALI Un importante progetto che racconta il dialogo tra le tre religioni monoteiste. Il 16 aprile alle 19 inaugura “Sotto lo stesso cielo”: Massimo Ruiu (Italia), Zino (Italia), Boaz Arad (Israele), Takoua Ben Mohamed (Tunisia).

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